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- Sletten, Deanna Lynn
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Michael finally gave up trying to come up with a reason for Dani's anger. It was past six and he was already late picking up Catherine for dinner. For a quick moment, he contemplated canceling his evening with Catherine and seeking out Dani to talk to her, but he brushed aside that thought as quickly as it came. It was obvious she wanted nothing to do with him; he was better off leaving her alone.
As he left the office, the thought occurred to him that Cathy might know why Dani felt such resentment toward him. Yes, he'd ask her. He relaxed a bit for the first time since lunch, thinking how nice it will be to spend the evening with Catherine.
It was six-thirty by the time Michael made it over to Cathy's place. He had driven his car so they could go out to dinner, but when he arrived, Cathy suggested ordering something in and staying home for the evening.
Later, snuggling on Cathy's cushy sofa, full from the egg foo yung, sweet and sour pork and egg rolls they had consumed, the couple sat in semi-darkness watching Casablanca, a favorite movie of Cathy's. Michael's arm lay across Cathy's shoulders, his hand caressing her arm. He burrowed deeper in the plush sofa, snuggling her neck with his face. He loved the closeness they shared, the comfortable silences and their nights together.
As he continued to nuzzle her, Cathy also sank deeper in the sofa beside him. For a while, they sat there, warm, close, comfortable, until Cathy broke the silence in a quiet voice.
"Just how close were you and Dani years ago?"
Michael lifted his head and stared at Cathy, surprised by her question. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I could tell by the way you both acted that you were more than just acquaintances. I was just curious as to how close you both were." Her voice remained soft, not angry or accusing.
Michael assessed her a moment then answered honestly. "Very close. At one time we cared very much about each other."
"Were you lovers?"
Cathy turned to face Michael. "Are you still in love with her?"
Once again, she had caught him off guard. He backed up a bit on the couch, taking his arm from around her and stared at her, surprise displayed on his face. "What kind of question is that?"
Cathy maintained her calm, her voice still warm. "I could feel the electricity between you two, and the hostility. I was only wondering if you still had feelings for her."
"The hostility was on her side. As for the current between us, well, I don't know. We were once very close, very in tune to each other. Maybe, in a way, you never lose that. There have been too many years between us for me to say we're still in love." He answered as honestly as he could. He couldn't tell from Cathy's placid face how she was taking all this.
Another moment of silence passed. On the television, Ilsa recounted to Rick why she had left him in Paris years before. As the two lovers on screen rekindled their love, Cathy felt her own relationship was cooling down.
"Why is Dani so angry with you?"
Michael had neither been watching nor listening to the movie, but had been studying Cathy's face the entire time. "I was hoping you might be able to tell me. I'm not sure why Dani feels the way she does. You're her closest friend. Has she ever told you?"
Cathy shook her head and smiled. "Dani is a very private person. We share a lot together, but there are some things she'd never tell even me."
The two sat back in thoughtful silence, eyes on the television screen. Michael slipped his arm around Cathy once again and she snuggled closer. But once again Cathy broke the silence with her questions.
His eyes looked at her warily. "Yes."
"What do you want out of our relationship?"
Michael sighed. So this is what she was working up to. He thought carefully before he answered her question. "I enjoy our relationship just as it is."
"So do I," Cathy said, reaching up to hold the hand he had circled around her shoulder. She faced him. "But we can't stay like this forever. We either have to move on to the next step, or…" her voice trailed off.
"What step is that?"
"I'd like to be married someday, Michael. Maybe even have children."
"And you should," Michael said warmly. "You're still young. You deserve to have those things."
Still caressing his hand, Cathy asked softly. "But are those things you want, too?"
The time had come; Michael understood that now. No relationship could stand suspended forever. Choices had to be made, decisions held to. He'd always been honest with Cathy from the very beginning, and he was now. "I really care about you Cathy. I enjoy spending time with you, I enjoy working with you and I have a great amount of respect for you. But I can't see myself settling down to marriage and children again. Not at this stage in my life, maybe never."
Cathy continued holding his hand, nodding her head in understanding. Deep in her heart, she'd known this would be his answer, but she had never been brave enough to ask before. She really loved Michael, but there was so much more she wanted out of life yet.
Michael continued to hold her. He couldn't tell what was going through her mind, but he could see the tell-tale moistness in her eyes. She was making a decision, he knew, but what it was he couldn't say. "Cathy," he said, his voice tender. "No matter what happens, I still want to be your friend. I still want to work with you. I really do care about you. I'm sorry I can't give any more than that."
The couple sat, holding each other on the couch as the two lovers on screen replayed their historic goodbye. In her heart, Cathy knew that this was also goodbye for her and Michael. The decision was up to her, and although it was going to be difficult, she knew what choice she had to make.
Chapter Four
Dani stood on a table in the small office lunch room hanging a pink crepe-paper umbrella from the light overhead. Today was Janette's last day before she began maternity leave and the office staff was giving her a baby shower. Even though her baby wasn't yet born, she was due any day, Janette already knew it was going to be a girl and was thrilled at the prospect of buying lacy pink dresses and Mary Jane's.
It was June, almost a month since Dani's disastrous trip to Chicago, yet she still couldn't keep from thinking about Miguel. The drive home had been a long one, filled with memories and tears. Dani wished she hadn't driven after all because it gave her too much time to think. But no matter how much she replayed the past in her mind, she always came up with the same conclusion. She hated him. She hated him for what he had done to her, for taking away her youth and for leaving her. She would always hate him.
Two weeks after Dani returned home, Cathy had called. After a few minutes of small talk, Cathy casually mentioned she had ended her relationship with Michael.
Dani was stunned. "What happened?" she had asked her friend. Had Miguel said something about their past relationship, Dani wondered? Was she the cause of their breakup?
"It wasn't anything dramatic," Cathy assured her. "It was just something I finally realized I had to do. He understood and everything is okay. We can still work together without a problem. We're good friends."
When she'd hung up, Dani thought about what Cathy had said. She probably caught him cheating on her, she thought. I certainly wouldn't put it past him.
As Dani twirled and hung the last of the pink and white streamers, Traycee Caverns came into the lunchroom.
"Looks great," she said, smiling up at Dani. Traycee was a new employee at Chance's, but already had a good rapport with Dani. She’d interned in the buyer's office from the merchandising school she'd attended and upon graduation, was hired as an assistant in the office. The twenty-three year old was thrilled at the opportunity to work for one of the largest department stores in the area. With the exception of Traycee's overly exuberant nature, she reminded Dani a little of herself at that age.
"Mr. Trindell wants to see you in his office," Traycee announced. "I think it's important," she added in a whisper.
Dani chuckled quietly at
the serious tone in Traycee's voice. To Traycee, everything Carl Trindell said was 'important'. He was the Executive Merchandising Manager, a hefty title that just meant he was the boss. But Dani had worked too many years with Carl to be in awe of his title. He was more a friend and co-worker to her than a boss.
"I'm coming," Dani told Traycee as she taped up the last streamer. She stepped off the table and walked through the office, past the buyers' desks separated by partitions and toward Carl's office. Traycee followed close behind. "He asked me to come, too," she explained as they walked.
"Well," Dani said, looking slyly over her shoulder at Traycee before reaching the office door. "Then it must be important." Dani held back a smile, knocked twice and entered the office with Traycee.
Carl Trindell rose from his seat as the two women entered. He was a sturdy built man in his early fifties, his once dark hair almost completely gray. His smile was pleasant, when he chose to use it, but his stern eyes could be frightening to someone who didn't know him as well as Dani did.
"Come in Dani, you too, Traycee. Have a seat. I was just talking with Janette." Dani and Traycee sat in chairs opposite Trindell, next to Janette.
"We've been discussing a replacement to fill in for Janette while she's on maternity leave," Trindell began.
Dani raised an eyebrow. Surely, they wouldn't consider Traycee for the position. She was much too inexperienced to take over coat buying, even if it was only going to be for three months. But Trindell wasn't looking at Traycee; he was speaking directly to Dani. "We've both agreed you would be perfect to fill in for her while she's gone."
Dani's eyes widened. This was the last thing she'd expected.
"Of course, I've anticipated you'll need help if you take over Janette's responsibilities," Trindell went on. "So I'd like for Traycee to be your assistant with sportswear and jewelry while you concentrate on coats."
Traycee nearly squealed with delight. She'd only been at Chance's four months and she'd already become an official buyer's assistant.
Dani, on the other hand, was far from delighted. "Even with Traycee's help, I don't know how I'll be able to juggle all three departments," she protested. "Coats take a tremendous amount of time and the buying season is just beginning." Dani knew how much time Janette spent on her job and she just couldn't picture herself doing both, not even for three months.
"I know it will be difficult," Trindell agreed. "But that's why I chose you, Dani. I'm confident you can handle all three departments."
Dani was about to protest again when Janette touched her arm. "Please Dani; I wouldn't trust anyone else but you at my desk. You're the most organized one here, and I trust your judgment. Please say you'll do it. I'll feel so much better about leaving if you do."
Dani looked at her friend's pleading eyes and sighed. Trindell took that as a yes. "Good," he said. "It's all settled. Janette can fill you in on the details before your first trip." Trindell looked intensely at Dani. "I know you'll do a fine job," he said with certainty.
Later, at Janette's party, everything except the event at hand was plaguing Dani's thoughts. Janette had gone over a few of the details Dani needed to know and the list of places she'd be visiting on her first buying trip to New York City in July. It wasn't the extra work or trips that bothered Dani; she knew she could handle those. It was one of the coat distributor's names that appeared on the list that worried her. Regal Coats was one of Chance's leading distributors, and that meant there was a chance of Dani and Miguel crossing paths again.
The only thing that helped to ease Dani's mind was that Janette had mentioned she'd be meeting with Vanessa DeCara-Chandler instead of Mr. DeCara because Vanessa had taken over the New York division. Dani wondered what it would be like to see Vanessa again, all grown up and married. She'd always adored her as a child. And, given Miguel his faults, there was one thing she could never fault him with, his love for Vanessa.
While Janette bubbled over petite pink dresses and booties and Traycee still beamed over her recent promotion, Dani could only wonder what was in store for her in the weeks ahead.
Chapter Five
June's cool temperatures slowly gave way to the sultry days of July as Dani prepared for her first coat buying trip to New York. Janette had her baby two days into her maternity leave. Both were doing fine and they had named her Darci Marie, which Dani thought suited the little seven pound, twelve-ounce wonder when she visited. She couldn't help but feel a tug at her heart as she held the round, rosy baby and the beaming pride on Janette's and her husband's faces only added to its intensity.
But the feeling passed and the days went by and soon it was July first and Dani and Traycee were on their way to New York City for a week. Traycee was accompanying Dani on a two-fold mission; to assist with the few sportswear meetings they were to attend and to help with any paperwork involved with the coat buying.
Dani spent countless hours going over details with Janette on the phone and studying the style sheets and order forms sent out in advance from the coat manufacturers. She understood why Chance's preferred dealing with Regal Coats above all others. Their styles were classic, materials well-made, and their prices were unbeatable. They certainly put out a fine product despite her opinion of the owner.
As their plane departed from Minneapolis, Traycee could hardly contain her excitement over her first official buying trip. Although Dani had attended several trips to New York City and other large cities, Traycee's enthusiasm was contagious and she found herself chatting and giggling with her younger companion and looking forward to arriving in the Big Apple.
Their plane landed without mishap at LaGuardia and a shuttle-bus was waiting to take them to their hotel. Traycee marveled at the sites, having never been to New York City. "I've never seen so many people and buildings!" she whispered to Dani.
Dani only smiled at her as she also took in the bustling view. There was something contagious about New York City, an excitement that began to well up inside you until you wanted to be immersed in it all. She looked forward to walking Seventh Avenue again where the garment district was alive and bustling with activity like no other place she knew. Sometimes, she secretly wished she lived and worked here among all the great stores and designers. But that was only a dream.
By the time they settled in their Manhattan hotel suite, it was late afternoon. Traycee was mesmerized by their view of Central Park South.
"Chance's does allow the best accommodations," Dani commented. Traycee readily agreed.
Dani suggested a walk in the park before dinner, and the two did just that. After they dined on seafood in the hotel restaurant, the two women headed back to their room for a good night’s sleep.
The next morning, after a quick breakfast of bagels, cream cheese and juice in their room, the two set off to their first meeting of the day. They attended a showing of sportswear along with fifty other retailers, marking down possible purchases and quantities as they watched each model pass. Dani was pleased, and a bit surprised, by Traycee's good judgment and input. She had an eye for what would sell in their store and Dani was impressed by her natural ability.
After the sportswear showing, they caught a quick lunch from a sidewalk vendor and took a taxi to their next meeting at Regal Coats. Dani was silent during the ride, not knowing what to expect or who she might see. She knew that seeing Vanessa would bring back memories and she wasn't quite sure how she was going to react to those feelings.
Traycee misinterpreted Dani's silence as nervousness. "Are you worried about your first coat purchases?" she asked. She knew if it were her jumping into a new area, she'd be nervous. Just making suggestions this morning on sportswear frightened her to death.
"Maybe just a little bit," Dani told her, not wanting to reveal the true reason for her worry. "But if I do as well with coats as you did this morning with sportswear, then I'll be just fine."
Traycee beamed at the compliment.
Regal's Corporate Office Building was located in the heart of Seventh A
venue. Upon arriving, Dani and Traycee were informed by the receptionist to go up to the 14th floor and someone would meet them there. As promised, when the elevator doors opened, there stood a young woman with a small group of retail buyers waiting for them.
"Hello," she greeted the two women. "You must be Miss Westerly and Miss Caverns." Dani nodded. "Mrs. Chandler is waiting in the conference room," the woman continued. "Please follow me."
She led the way down a richly carpeted hallway; the walls tastefully decorated with gilt-framed oil paintings, to a large set of walnut, double doors. Dani couldn't help being impressed by Regal's extravagance. She hadn't been aware that Miguel's family was so wealthy. He'd lived such an ordinary life in California, basically living paycheck to paycheck. Yet, all along his family back East was very well-to-do. It was a lot for her take in at once.
The double doors opened, exposing an enormous room containing a long, heavy, dark walnut table and rows of padded chairs on each side. The walls and chairs were done in hunter green, giving the room a warm, friendly feeling. At the head of the table where sunlight spilled through a wall of plate glass windows stood a woman with auburn red hair, dressed impeccably in a hunter green suit that blended with the decor. Dani's heart skipped a beat as she gazed upon a very grown up Vanessa.
"Hello," Vanessa greeted, walking up to the group. "I'm happy you could all make it." Vanessa smiled, her green eyes sparkling, reflecting the warmth of the room. "Please have a seat and we can begin."
She made her way back to the head of the table but continued to stand while everyone chose chairs and were seated. Dani chose a spot some distance from Vanessa. She was still trying to maintain her composure from seeing her and didn't trust herself being too close.
"Karla will pass out a folder to each of you," Vanessa announced, indicating the woman who had escorted them into the conference room. "Inside, you will find information sheets about our upcoming winter line and order forms that you will find useful for Monday's fashion show."